Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trick-or-Treat ←~(o `▽´ )oΨ

For Halloween, I did a little photo shoot of Scarlet~ These are some of my favorites... No matter what angle I took the pictures from, Scarlet is photogenic. They never gave me a bad photo. (。♥‿♥。)

First three pictures are of Scarlet's blue wig... I wish I had fisted hands for the photo shoot, it would've been perfect for this cat outfit.

And of course, Scarlet had to wear the pink wig too.

Last but not least, is Scarlet's "default" wig. Scarlet's original hair color is black, but they enjoy changing their looks around.  

Whenever I see this picture all I can think of is the quote from Snow White~

Lips red as the rose. 
Hair black as ebony. 
Skin white as snow.

Maybe next year I'll try to dress Scarlet as Snow White?

Here is an extra group picture of my crew, It's from the meet up (still in the process of editing the rest).

On another note, I'm going to be active on Instagram now! I'll post about BJD, doodles, and other random things.

My Instagram: nyte_raine

If you have an Instagram, add me I don't bite. ;D

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Halloween~ (˼○̙̂ ̟ ̟̎ ̟ ̘○̂˻)


  1. she looks lovely with all the colors of hair *U* but I specially adore the pink one~

    She'd make a great sexy Snow white too :D

    Happy Halloween!

    1. Thank you, and Happy (late) Halloween to you too~ ;D

  2. Scarlet is gorgeous, I think the blue wig is my favorite!
    Happy Halloween~!

    1. Happy (late) Halloween and thank you! I still can't decide which wig is my favorite, Scarlet looks good in all of them~ ^-^

  3. Scarlet sure is hot! ^3^ <3 I still love the blue wig best on her, but maybe I'm just partial for blue hair! :'D Scarlet really looks like a boss in that outfit, not submissive at all which is good!

    Your boys look awesome in their costumes as well! ^3^ I really love masquerades,for people and for dolls.

    Yay so excited you have Instagram now too! Please post a lot of pics there~

    1. Thanks! I have a strange fondness for blue, pink, and black wigs. Scarlet is the sly type that makes you think you're in control but in reality, they have you in the palm of their hand. ;D

      I'm glad you like their costumes. And yes, I'll be posting more photos in Instagram soon~

  4. Your wrist is amazing * ___ * I love the suit has , in great detail is very good, and the photos are amazing < 3333 The blue wig you feel good , it's a really nice girl : 333 Your Blog is interesanrte , I can put your blog on my own and follow ? :)

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy this blog~ ^-^ I'm honored that you are willing to follow my blog and yes, you can put my blog on yours!
