Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Nitro+Chiral Goodies~

I got addicted to collecting these cute little one coin figures by Kotobukiya when I went to my first convention years ago. These little swirly-eyed cuties are based on illustrations from Yuupon, featuring characters from Nitro+ Chiral games (Togainu no Chi, Lamento: Beyond the Void, and Sweet Pool).

These are my old collection of one coin figures.

While surfing in Tumblr a year ago, I came across a girl selling her Nitro+Chiral no Mori figure. I contacted her immediately and purchased Akira and Shui.

Boyfriend Shirt Akira is definitely my favorite one-coin figure! Look at his cute little booty and this version has his little naughty parts in the front too. The original owner lost his extra arms, but I'll try to make them with polymer clay or something.

Two weeks after I bought Akira and Shui, I found Shiki Chiral no Mori version on eBay. I won him on a bid for very cheap, although he doesn't come with his character card. I also have Nano Gakuen version, but I can't find where I saved his picture.

And my new additions that I recently bought from eBay.

My next targets are Shironuma Tetsuo (Sweet Pool) and Yukihito (Togainu no Chi)  from Chiral no Mori version. 


  1. Lovely collection! <3 I love One Coin figures too, it's a pity they didn't make One Coins of DMMd characters. ;__; Cute as they might be, the Chimi Charas can't really compete with the quality of these Chiral One Coins...

    1. I feel the same way. I wish they made One Coins DMMd too! The Chimi didn't look good so I pass on that.
